Wednesday, September 19, 2007

# 21

This is for all my galfrens who are enthusiastically taking on new things in life.

Amazing ladies who i love and respect.

They are taking bike lessons, looking to land a perfect first job, embarking on an entirely new career path, and challenging the body by running a marathon.

They reminded me that although life gets pretty monotonous and boring sometimes, it is really important to never lose that sparkle in you.

There is so much going on for us women these days.
The future holds so much.
We are young, healthy, full of life and hungry for more.

So for singles who are feeling down cos there is no significant other to share your life, cheer up and smile ur brightest smile. You never know who might fall in love with that smile.

For people who are bored with your work, take heart that you are not bonded and can "throw your white envelope" at your boss if u are really unhappy. *grinz* Get a new career~!

Learn a new language, take up a new hobby, or go on a holiday.

Be positive and embrace life.

Here's a shoutout to you girls who make me feel alive, "You are extraordinary!"

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